"The Hardee's social media person should be asked to throw out the first pitch at the World Series..."
It's too depressing to write about what's going on in this country right now. Our ex-President continues to dodge the Justice Department, and justice in general. He was recently forced to hold an Apalachin-like summit on one of his near-bankrupt golf courses to avoid the prying eyes and ears of the feds, this after 11 of his dumbest acolytes, which included some of his lawyers and the pillow insurrectionist, had their cell phones confiscated. The pillow dude had his taken while he was in a Hardee's drive-thru, which so delighted the chain that they offered free food to FBI agents for the rest of the day, and included an offering called "pillowy biscuits". They later tweeted "If you still have a phone, get a free breakfast biscuit in our app for My Rewards members...", which is the kind of patriotic trolling that makes me want to stand up and belt out a version of "God Bless America". The Hardee's social media person should be asked to throw out the first pitch at the World Series.